Childsplay Hire

Box 1512, Somerset West, 7130 ,South Africa
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To deny a child the right to play, is to deny him the right to live and grow."">

Because your child can now share those experiences in a new exciting way - IN THE SUNSHINE AND FRESH AIR! 
Not to mention the added enjoyment you'll receive from seeing your child's confidence steadily grow. 
Moreover you'll also notice a wonderful development in co-ordination, balance and judgement in just a short time.

CHILDSPLAY Hire believes the best way for your child to acquire these important skills is in a natural way.
A fun filled way.
A way that is easily accessible.

At the same time CHILDSPLAY Hire allows you the flexibility to upgrade or downgrade your playground units as your child grows. 
So in addition to swinging and climbing you can add tumbling and rocking not to mention slide attachments.


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